31 August 2017

Joining in the Song

Moving is a lot like erasing an Etch a Sketch.  You can spend hours drawing a web of intricate details only to have it wiped away in seconds with one swipe.  On the one hand, losing all of that hard work can be a bit of a shock.  How many parents have had to console a distraught child who lost a precious masterpiece to the quick hand of a mischievous sibling?  On the other hand, the blank slate that is left behind whispers of endless possibilities.  Especially after the hectic weeks of moving preparation and the move itself, facing a nearly blank slate of a life can feel a bit surreal. 

The days since we finished the bulk of the unpacking (I can't stand living out of boxes, and clutter in my own home makes me crazy, so we made quick work of the task) have been fairly relaxed and quiet.  Worship team has taken off pretty smoothly so far.  We have a lunchtime meeting this Sunday so that Jon can introduce the team to Planning Center and share his vision for the ministry.  Youth group doesn't start up until September 10th, and so even though Jon has had some preparation work to do for that, we have had some room to breathe and take it all in.  A friend recently told me that her mom calls times like this "built-in breaks."  They aren't necessarily planned or expected on our part, but God gives them to us when He knows we need them. 

During my "built-in break," my readings in the Psalms have all seemed to say the same thing (usually an indication that I should probably pay attention).  For the past six days, I've read over and over again in Psalms 95-100 about joining all of creation in joyfully praising and worshiping my righteous, holy, faithful, loving, mighty, exalted, and just Creator.  I've always found it easier to quiet my mind when I am in a solitary place outdoors.  Something about watching the water from a small lake sparkle and dance in the sun and hearing leaves rustle gently in the breeze draws my heart closer to my Creator.  He truly has left evidence of Himself in His work, and I love the pictures that these Psalms paint of various parts of creation joyfully worshiping the One who made them.  I love even more that I am invited and called to join in their song, which cannot help but produce joy, peace, and healing as I allow my heart to bow and to exalt God to His proper place. 

God has been using a couple other vehicles to get my attention in this area as well.  The first is a Facebook support group that I recently joined for women who are waiting to become mothers.  The leader of the group is a Christian blogger and author whom I was first made aware of by a friend from Marysville.  The group as a whole has a much more positive atmosphere than some of the other support groups I've looked into.  It has several conversation threads under all sorts of topics.  There are places to share everything from our dreams of what type of baby announcement we would like to use to questions we have about infertility testing and procedures to date night ideas and beyond.  One thread that was encouraging and challenging to me this last week was the "Praise Report" thread, in which women simply shared praise reports of what God is doing in each of their lives, whether related to infertility or not.  It was such a cool way to stay positive, to see that God is still in control, and to connect with other ladies who are experiencing the same struggle in ways that are beyond the struggle itself. 

{p.s. If any of my reader friends out their who are also struggling with infertility or secondary infertility are interested in the group, let me know, and I'll get you connected!}

The other vehicle God has been using to draw my heart to worship, oddly enough, is a book written by two doctors titled Making Babies: A Proven 3-Month Program for Maximum Fertility. I've already researched a ton and learned way more about the human body, hormones, female cycles, and the process of conception than I ever really cared to know before, but so far this book presents it all in such a clear, systematic, and in-depth way that it has given me a new appreciation for the miracle of life and the Designer of it all.   

In all of this, I've been reminded once again that I have a choice.  I am free to soak in misery, fear, and worry.  I am also free to find joy in worshiping my Creator regardless of my circumstances.    After all, if worship has become about me and my feelings, then the object of my worship is no longer God, is it?  I can join in the racket of moaning and complaining or I can add another harmony to the glad song that echoes through the mountains, rivers, and trees and rises to exalt the One who started it all. 

Praise Him, for He is good.  He is the God who sees and the God who provides.  He is the holy Creator who is coming to judge the world in righteousness and faithfulness.  He reigns, and He is clothed in strength, beauty, splendor, and majesty.  He is so worthy.  


  1. I love this. Choosing to worship in all things can be hard, but once I start worshiping it never feels like a chore.

  2. God is so good, isn't he? So thankful for these "small breaks" that He has given you recently. He knows just what we need at the right time, whether it is refreshing us emotionally, spiritually, or physically. The way that He is using all of these different vehicles to teach you and grow your faith and to praise Him despite your suffering is such a blessing. "Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth; break forth into joyous song and sing praises!" Psalm 98:4
