05 March 2018

Spring is Coming

       Spring is coming. 

       I started seeing the signs a few days ago.  The persistent mountain of snow that had become one with our front yard is finally gone.  The dogs are antsy with spring fever.  Little sprouts are stretching out of the earth after their long winter sleep.  The temperature is warm enough that I can open the windows to rejuvenate the house, and I don’t have to wear a coat when I go  outside!

       Normally, I don’t associate spring with breathing easy.  My allergies will soon start wreaking havoc, no doubt.  Even so, I feel like my heart and my spirit have taken a deep breath.  I’ve tried to pinpoint exactly what brought about this change.  Is it just the change in seasons?  Could it be the fact that my schedule has settled into a much more manageable pace?  Maybe the nutritional supplements and “panic pattern” adjustments that Dr. Dority is using to help out my overworked adrenal and pituitary glands (newsflash: stress is bad for you) are starting to have a more noticeable effect.  Perhaps it’s a result of being able to take the dogs for long walks with my husband again.  Of course, it could be a combination of all of those things.  I do know that ultimately it is due to the God who sees me. 

       He has wrapped His arms around me so many times lately.  One of those times was Saturday night when I took Nika outside.  While she was taking her sweet time, I caught a glimpse of the stars.  How long had it been since I looked at the stars – really looked at them?  When was the last time I got lost in the wonder of the vastness of our universe?  I welcomed the familiar and overwhelming feeling of being so frighteningly small.  In one sense, I felt like I could fall and be lost forever in the never-ending abyss of space.  On the other hand, I felt a great sense of peace in knowing that the God who made those countless stars and galaxies was holding me together.  Two quotes came to mind.  The first was from Psalm 19: “The heavens proclaim the glory of God.  The skies display his craftsmanship” (v. 1, NLT).  The second was a line from a song that my husband recently showed me: “If the stars were made to worship so will I.”  He is worthy.    

       As I stood there thinking about the verse and the song, He reminded me once again: I am not God.  I don’t have to try and do His job.  I am so small, and I see such a tiny fraction of the whole picture.  I can’t try to fix everything for myself or for everyone else.  He values me, and I don’t have to strive so hard.  I can trust Him, enjoy Him, worship Him, and find hope in Him.  There is freedom to be found in letting God be God and refusing to make an idol of self. 

       God is with us in all the little moments.  Even when we are letting the dog out to do her business.  He loves us and desires our hearts.  The ultimate expression of that love was in the death of His Son, and He continues to show us His love each and every day if we are willing to see it.  He sees us in the winter and He restores to us the hope and life of spring.    

       Spring is coming.   

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P.S.  "I Am Seen" is the new name for the blog!  "Hope Dawns" won the poll, but that URL was already taken.  I thought I had tested them all, but apparently I missed that one somehow.  I'm planning on starting the process of changing everything over on Saturday, March 17.  I will do my best to re-direct old links to the new URL!  Thanks for all your input!      


  1. We had a couple or Spring like days here in Budapest last week...but now we are covered in snow again! I am so ready for Spring!!

    1. We had a couple more light snows since I wrote this, and we have some in the forecast again this week, but the ratio of warm days to cold days is gradually shifting! I’m definitely ready for consistently warmer weather!

  2. Well here in GA we have bipolar weather where spring will tease us, and then bring more winter and then go back to the spring again. So that's aways interesting. It likes to tease us. Ha! I'm often looking at the majesty of everything He has created and realize how big He is and How beautiful, majestic and big His creation is. Creates such a sense of wonder.

  3. Yay! I’m so looking forward to the fresh hope of Spring- in so many ways!

  4. I am a winter loving northern girl. We live in Southern Missouri now, and it doesn't snow nearly enough for me. I love snow so much. No matter how much I love winter, and how much I always want one more snow... there is something exciting about Spring. All things fresh and new. The beautiful reminder that God is still working... still bringing new life. I love how the Lord met you in what was a mundane moment. He is just so sweet!
