06 February 2019

Ministry Highlight Interview: 2019 Peru Project

Can you please introduce yourself and a little about your role on the 2019 Peru Project team?

My name is Chad Johnson, and I’m the pastor at Fellowship Bible Church in Lindon, UT.  I have worked at compiling a team of servants to join me in going to Tarapoto, Peru to be a blessing to the missionary family that planted a church there in Tarapoto – Delwin and Techy Fowler.  We desire to encourage them, to put on a pastor’s conference for local Peruvian pastors from surrounding villages (sometimes upwards of 50 miles away), and to do some work on a kids camp the Fowlers have been working to get established in Tarapoto.  My primary role will be serving as one of the teachers for the conference.

What are the dates of the trip? 

          The dates of our trip are February 22 – March 4.

What will the team be doing in Peru?

          Our team will be doing multiple different things. We will be putting on a pastor’s conference where 4 of us will rotate teaching sessions. Those attending the conference will be pastors and ministry leaders from the region of Tarapoto and its surrounding villages. Pastors and ministry leaders will travel as far as 50 miles, sometimes through the hard-to-travel jungles, to come to the conference. We are expecting anywhere from 100-150 leaders to attend.
          It’s a neat opportunity to minister to these leaders, as many of them have no biblical training. The surrounding villages have little pockets of churches where people come to know Jesus, and then just choose who is the oldest or most willing to be the pastor. Many of these leaders who come to the conference are hungry to learn more about the Bible and what it has to say about ministry. It’s a great opportunity to minister to them, encourage them, and further equip them in their role. This will be a 3-day conference, with 10 sessions. Our topic will be bibliology, and we plan on teaching sessions covering the following sub-topics:

  • What is the evidence for the Bible?
  • Where did the Bible come from?
  • How do we defend the Bible?
  • How are we to study the Bible?
  • How do information and transformation go together?

          In addition to the conference, we plan on serving at the local church where the missionary pastor, Delwin, and his wife, Techy, attend. They planted the church and are the ones who like to organize these conferences for other ministry leaders whom they build relationships with. We will have the opportunity to preach, teach, and share our testimonies during their Sunday morning services and mid-week Bible studies and activities. In addition, we plan on doing a little bit of work on their kids camp that they are seeking to establish to use as a summer camp for kids to come to. We will also reserve one day for sight-seeing and exploring.

How many people are on the team?  


What people make up the team (walks of life, ages, home churches, etc)?  

New Hope Bible Church (church plant in Utah County that was launched about 5 years ago): There is one married couple (Rob & Denise Rogers) that is going and will be bringing their 3 teenage children. Pastor Chris Dodson will be going and will be part of our teaching rotation. David Denning will be going and will be part of our teaching rotation. Josh Hambrick will be going and serving with a bunch of odds and ends, including providing fantastic cooking abilities. He will also be sharing his testimony one evening.

Fellowship Bible Church (Lindon): I will be going and will be part of the teaching rotation. Marriner Merrill will be going as well. He will have the opportunity to share his testimony and serve as needed in helping organize the pastor’s conference.

Grace Bible Church (Springville): Chris Willett will be going and will be part of the teaching rotation.

Faith Community Church (Eagle Mountain): Luis Leyva will be joining us and serving as the translator since the speakers don’t speak Spanish. Luis has taken this trip and served in this way in the past.

Can you tell me a little bit about how the idea for this trip came about?

          Chris Dodson and I were praying about the possibility after the Fowler’s made a trip back to the States and shared in our church and gave an update on their ministry and their needs. They expressed how the pastor’s conferences are always a great way to train and equip local Peruvian pastors to better minister in their own ministry contexts. Both Chris and I had a passion from that day forward to see our churches join together to make a trip and serve in that way. Through much prayer, we decided to make it happen and reached out to a few other churches to find a few more to put together our team of 12.

What made you personally decide to go?

          Since becoming the pastor at Fellowship Bible Church, I have had a heart to see our church not just be locally minded, but globally minded. For us, it’s not just about what God wants to do at Fellowship Bible Church, but seeing how we can play a part in advancing the Gospel here and abroad. Another passion I have as a pastor is equipping Christians to do the work of ministry and training leaders. As we focus on that and make that a key part of our church philosophy of ministry, we love seeing Christians grow and serve in our local church context. Our goal is always to see how we might be able to send trained, mature Christians out from us to plant other churches, both here and abroad. As we focus on that, one of my favorite quotes I share often at Fellowship Bible Church is “We will always measure our ministry effectiveness more on our sending capacity than our seating capacity.” With that as a core value of our ministry, taking missions trips to serve outside of our own ministry context will always be seen as a healthy staple of who we are. Therefore, that’s why I’m going. I want to be a blessing to the local Peruvian pastors, to hopefully be able to equip them and encourage them in their ministry, and to keep before our own church family a mindset and vision of ministry that spreads beyond Fellowship Bible Church.

What are some of your goals for the trip?

  • Exposure to the Peruvian culture
  • Equipping the Peruvian pastors to better minister in their churches
  • Encouraging the church planting pastor and his family in Tarapoto, Peru – Delwin and Techy Fowler
  • Evangelizing in the Tarapoto, Peru region
  • Evaluating future plans for the local church and kids camp

Do you have any specific prayer requests?

  • Pray for those who are preparing lessons to teach at the pastor’s conference.
  • Pray for our health, as going to a brand new culture can sometimes create issues.
  • Pray for team unity – that our relationships would deepen and that we’d be unified.
  • Pray for a growing enthusiasm in our churches for missions.
  • Pray that this trip would help bring greater unity in our churches throughout our Valley.
  • Pray for our financial needs.

How much of your financial goal has been met so far?

          Thus far, we have raised $1,848 of the $4,000 for the pastor’s conference.

Thermometer by ABC Fundraising® 

What will the support funds be used for?

          Support funds will be used to go toward the pastor’s conference. We want to be able to allow the pastors and ministry leaders to come free of charge to them. They already have so little and are making great sacrifices to make it to the conference. We want to be a blessing to them by providing the conference, resources, meals, etc., so that they can just come and focus on learning and growing spiritually. Because we expect to have 100-150 Pastors and leaders, we have set the estimated cost to pull off the conference at $4,000.

If you feel led to give to the 2019 Peru Project, click here! (If this link is not working, you can also find a donation link in the pinned post on their page)

Anything else you’d like the readers to know?

          We appreciate any and all prayers we can get! If we have a team of people from all over the world praying for us, for the Peruvian pastors, and for God to work powerfully, that would be a big-time encouragement to us. Anyone interested in following us on Facebook (we plan on updating that page during our trip) can use this link to go to the page and ‘like’ it: https://www.facebook.com/2019-Peru-Project-595767537539370/ If anyone feels led by God to give toward this Peru Project, we’d certainly be very grateful for any gifts that we receive.

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