06 April 2017

Seeking Treasure: Quiet Time Journal

My son, if you will receive my words
And treasure my commandments within you,

Make your ear attentive to wisdom,
Incline your heart to understanding;

For if you cry for discernment,
Lift your voice for understanding;

If you seek her as silver
And search for her as for hidden treasures;

Then you will discern the fear of the Lord
And discover the knowledge of God. 

~Proverbs 2:1-5

            Use your imagination with me for a moment: You show up to work, and your boss tells you that he has set up a treasure hunt for the morning as a problem-solving exercise of sorts.  He tells you that he has buried one treasure box containing a check for a sizable bonus for each employee and that they are all buried several feet deep in the dirt lot next to your office building.  He even went so far as to mark the spots where he buried the treasures with bright red X’s.  Finding your treasure’s location won’t be a problem.  However, the catch is that you do not have any tools (e.g., a shovel) to dig up your treasure.  So, in your khakis, button-up shirts, and dress shoes, you and your fellow employees kneel down in the dirt and start lodging dirt underneath your fingernails.  How long will it take before you either get bored, give up, or become extremely frustrated? 
            Sometimes, we can feel that way about reading our Bibles.  Those of us who believe in Christ know that valuable treasure for life is found within the pages of the Bible, but how often do we feel at a complete loss as to how to reach that treasure?  Some of us stare at this daunting task in bewilderment without the slightest clue of where to begin.  Others have no problem starting, but then give up when the passages don’t seem to makes sense or when the lack of any obvious spiritual progress becomes too frustrating.  Still others skim the surface of the pages consistently and find a few valuable trinkets, but they can’t ever seem to reach the depth where the greatest riches lie.  On a side note, don’t feel bad if any of this describes you.  I only know to write about all these groups because I have been a member of each one of them at various times and still have to guard myself against falling into them again.  These problems arise from a lack of attention (not reading the Bible at all), a lack of comprehension (not understanding what the Bible is really saying), a lack of meditation (not dwelling on the truth of the Bible and letting it  sink in and grip our hearts), or a lack of application (not doing anything with what we have learned in the Bible).

            Many of us know what our specific problem is, and we may also be aware of the root of it, but we still don’t necessarily know how to get past it.  This is where Bible study tools come in handy.  Bible study tools aid in comprehension and meditation – helping us to truly see and appreciate the magnificent and beautiful truths of Scripture, which in turn gives us a greater desire to devote our attention to the Word and points us in the right direction to apply what the Word says.  Personally, one tool that has been invaluable for my quiet times (the times I spend communicating with God through worship, prayer, and reading His Word) is my journal.  I have never been very good at writing random thoughts about a passage on a blank sheet of paper; however, a couple of years ago I came up with a list of specific things to look for and write down from each passage as I read.  I want to share that list, along with some examples, with you all so that you can have something new to try if any of you is feeling like our disgruntled treasure hunters from earlier.  

Here is a sample of the layout of a page in my journal with all the categories:

            Passage                                                                                                            Date
            Struggles/Areas to Grow
            Memory Verse
            Impactful Verse(s)
            Lesson for the Day
            Prayer Requests
                        My Husband
                        People in Authority
                        People Needing Salvation/Restoration
                        People in Hard Circumstances
                        People Serving Jesus
            Answers to Prayer/Ways God Worked
            Things to Remember from Today

            Don’t worry, I don’t suggest writing all of the categories out every single time you make an entry.  You don’t even have to include every category every day if you don’t want to.  On busy days, sometimes I just pick two or three categories to write down.  I have this list written in the front of my journal so that I can reference it and remember what to look for.  I use the color coding system to easily figure out which part of the entry belonged to which category.  Also, I don’t recommend writing in full sentences very often.  Of course, you can if you want to (it’s your journal after all!), but I find that I’m more likely to stick with it if I avoid hand cramps by using primarily individual words and phrases.  Above all, remember to ask God to show you what He wants you to see before you even read the passage.  As you work through the categories, talk to God!  The whole point of the journal entry is to help focus your mind and to help spur conversation with God in your heart.    

Here is a sample of my category page along with some additional notes and explanations:

Passage – Can be as little or as much as you want                                        Date – Don’t skip this!
            Praises/Adoration – I usually read through the passage and write down whatever I see about God’s character.  Then, I often stop here to pray and praise Him for what I see about Him.  This would also be a good time to listen to a worship song or two if you want.    
            Thanksgiving – Make a list of what you’re thankful for that day (this can go on forever – it’s okay to limit it).  You can narrow it down by writing down only the things that the passage itself makes you thankful for.  The point isn't just to make a list, but to cultivate an attitude of thankfulness.  
            Struggles/Areas to Grow – Make another list of your own sin struggles that you’re currently facing or that the passage pointed out in your heart.  Confess those sins to God.
            Memory Verse – Choose a verse to memorize, and write the reference here.  I recommend Scripture Typer as one mobile app that can help you memorize Scripture.  Again, you don’t have to come up with a new memory verse every day.  You can write the same one for a whole week if you want.  Customize this to fit what works for you! 
            Impactful Verse(s) – Write down the references of the verse or verses that stood out the most to you from the passage. 
            Lesson for the Day – Write down what you think the main lesson was that God was teaching you from that passage that day.  Usually, this will come from your “Impactful Verses,” but not always.  This will help you to focus your attention while you read and to think through the message more instead of simply reading to check it off of your to-do  list.    
            Prayer Requests – I recommend limiting yourself, especially when you first get started.  Don’t make the list so long that you get overwhelmed trying to make it through.  Just write down about 1-3 names for each category.  Pay attention to who God brings to mind as you are making your list.  Remember, you can make an entirely new list tomorrow!  Then, pray!
                        *My Husband – I have him as his own category because I want to pray for him every day.  You could also do this with your children.   
                        *Myself – List a few specifics.
                        *People in Authority – Choose one or more authority figures – some examples       include: people in your church leadership, government leaders, and school teachers.
                        *People Needing Salvation/Restoration – Choose one ore more unsaved people or people who aren’t walking with Christ. 
                        *People in Hard Circumstances – Choose one or more people who are facing cancer, the loss of a job, the death of a loved one, etc. 
                        *People Serving Jesus – Choose one or more people who serve in ministry – the nursery helpers, a missionary, your local FCA leaders, etc. 
                        *Youth – This one is more specific to me because I serve in youth ministry, but     young people face a lot, they are at a crucial age of learning and forming their beliefs, and they definitely need prayer.  Choose one or more pre-teens or teenagers if you have any in your life. 
            Answers to Prayer/Ways God Worked – This can be a sort of memorial to what God has done.  You will be able to look back during dry times and be encouraged that He has been working in your life and that He has answered your prayers. 
            Things to Remember from Today – This is more like a typical journal entry.  Write down anything significant about the day that you want to be able to look back on and remember.

Here is an example of an actual entry from my journal (some prayer requests/names have been changed for the protection of the individuals):

Heb. 6                                                                                                 October 6, 2015   
            God is just and does not forget the work we do in serving Him.  He cannot lie, His Word is good, He desires His heirs to know the certainty of His promises, and He has given us hope.

*A crackling candle in a quiet house
*My dogs
*A working husband
*Long-time friends
*Skills I can use for others
*My house

*Trust God’s will for children
*Lack of compassion/love

Hebrews 6:19

Hebrews 6:10-12

God sees what I do for Him.  He also sees when I am sluggish.  With faith and patience, I need to continue to serve Him diligently and imitate those who do the same.  It isn’t in vain.

Jon – Discernment, Fulfillment, Confidence in who he is in Christ, Humility, Teachability, Vision, Diligence, Protection
Myself – Joy, Kindness
Authority – Pastor Smith, President Obama
Needy – Joe, Jane, Sally
Hard Circumstances – The Smith Family
Servants – Suzie, The Stevens Family
Youth – Lucy, Billy

Right after God directed me to pray for the Stevens family, I received an e-mail update from them with prayer requests.  Also, Mrs. Stevens is pregnant!

- (I didn't have anything written in this category for this particular day.) 

       If you have any questions or need clarification, feel free to ask!  This system may not work for all of you, but even if it doesn't, I encourage you to find a system that does work!  There are all sorts of Bible study tools available from simple acronyms to more complex methods of study.  If you need some different ideas, let me know.  Don't be content to sit on the surface of Scripture.  God's Word is His letter to us.  It is one of the primary ways that He speaks to us and directs us.  When you are equipped with helpful tools and you learn how to really dig deeply into God's Word with the Holy Spirit as your teacher, you will find that there are unending priceless treasures to discover.    

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